El Marino Registration

El Marino Program Registration #

Winter 2025 Term: January 6 – March 21 #

Registration Checklist #

  • Read our catalog to learn about our program.
  • Complete our online registration form below.
  • Email a photo of your child’s face to [email protected] (This is just to facilitate identifying your child. We will not publish or share your photo.)
  • If your child is enrolled in an OCD aftercare, submit a waiver to the OCD.
  • Tell your child’s daytime teacher and/or aftercare about your Cornucopia class enrollments; specifically which days your child has Cornucopia.

Registration Form #

Please complete this form once per child. If you wish to change classes or need to update any information, please simply email your request to [email protected]

If you are unable to complete the registration form, or have any trouble with it, please email [email protected]

A copy of your submitted registration form should be emailed to you when you press submit. If you don’t receive a confirmation email, please contact us to check on the status of your enrollment.

If a class you have chosen is full, your child may not be admitted to that class. All of our classes have limited capacity. Enrollments are granted on a first‐come, first‐served basis. We will email you within two business days if any of the classes you chose are full or if there are any other problems with your registration.

If any of the information you have provided changes (such as daytime teacher or aftercare program) you must inform us.

Please be sure to inform your child’s daytime teacher about their Cornucopia enrollments; specifically which days they have Cornucopia.