About us #
Who we are #
Judy Richter, founder and executive director, started Afterschool Cornucopia in response to the shortage of after school enrichment classes in Culver City. Our teachers and site supervisors are experienced community members, educators and experts in their respective fields.
What we do #
Since 2001, Afterschool Cornucopia, a nonprofit corporation, has had the privilege of providing quality afterschool enrichment classes at various public schools in Culver City, California.
What parents say #
My son absolutely loves it and told me that he wants to go every day.
—Maggie, Astronaut Science parent
She took the Cornucopia Zoology class last Fall, and it really sparked her love of learning about and caring for wildlife. She also really loves your basketball teacher. She speaks about her with great reverence :) So, thank you guys for all your hard work.
—Jenny, Basketball and Zoology parent
She says that she loved Magic last term and wants to do it again and learn more. She did perform a pretty impressive magic show for the family during Thanksgiving.
—Lorrie, Hogwarts Magic Workshop parent
Thank you so much for the amazing class. My daughter was so excited to swing a “real hammer” and pound some nails. She was so proud of her projects, and we will truly treasure these perfect moments captured with wood glue.
—Lindsay, Woodworking parent
My son LOVES it. The sensei is so funny and is on the exact level for the age group he’s teaching. He gives the perfect combination of movement, play, instruction and jokes. I find it a thoroughly entertaining event to watch and my son looks forward to it every week.
—Jenny, Young Ninjas parent